Patch notes and current works in progress

Pri 1:

Battles indiv fights dont give exp - COMPLETED

make party items usable in combat - COMPLETED

make items work outside of combat - In Progress

after capture selected and creature faints capture stays on commands and doesnt go off - COMPLETED

if first creature is fainted skill tree shows stats of next creature with fainted creatures - COMPLETED

readjust menu for party to appear - COMPLETED

Menu Opens in cutscene - COMPLETED

Disable SkillTree when you have no creatures - COMPLETED

Add Items to DataBase - In Progress

Status Effects go away after reloading - In Progress 

bleed completed

Starter Stories

Reduce skilltree creature saved size

chests doesnt say the right items- completed

glitch with healing on min party UI

Pri 2:

build skill trees for 

spectral - COMPLETED



psionic - COMPLETED


Lightning - completed

Add Docile and Aggressive natures

Pri 3:

Add more Items:

Stronger HP Potions - completed

Treats and other versions

implement random warden battles with random creatures

Socketing Skills on skill tree(not needed for demo)

Pri 4:

implement moves: - fill skilltree with more moves



lightning storm


Unique combos for all moves

Balance Capture Minigames

Starting quests for creatures

Pri 5:

Create more alphas for everchanging forest

Make all objects in the academy interactable.

Continue story

FIX AI skill tree generation


Implement more Capture MiniGames

balance overall skill tree

Deposit creature in ranch

DayNight visual in combat - completed

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